Saturday, January 14, 2012

Here it is!

Portfolio for Architecture course at Sheffield Uni. Your thoughts?


  1. Wow, your portfolio is so good!! If everyone at the fashion courses I applied for as this good, I won't be getting a reply from De Montfort or Northumbria!

    1. Thank you :) I'm sure you will get the place you deserve :)

  2. Replies
    1. I got an offer yes :) but in the end didn't pick Sheffield :P

  3. Hey, this is really amazing, especially the sketches and paintings :) Is this the portfolio you used to get into an architecture course at a british university after high school ?
    Thanks for posting this it's really good, and gave me some ideas for my own work, good luck for the future!

  4. And one more question, you said this was for Sheffield so does than mean you made different portfolios for different schools?

  5. Ah yes I had to make different portfolios for different universities depends on their requirements but generally they have similar stuff inside. Thank you for your compliments :) and yes, Architecture course (K100, British Universities, after my A level (year 12 and 13) :)

    I'm applying for architecture at Sheffield this year..I've got five pieces so far! I love how you put a selection of the same stuff under one heading, that's a really good idea to show everything off!
    I hope mine will look as good as yours!! What uni did you decide to go to in the end? Also, when was the deadline for the portfolio submission? :)
    And again, great portfolio!! :)

  7. Hi
    Thank you for your compliments. I had loads and couldn't decide what to put in so :D
    I'm sure yours will be brilliant. I chose Liverpool in the end. I can't remember at the top of my head when the deadline was but they'll tell you when they send you the request. I think some times mid January, but don't quote me on that :)

  8. Such an amazing portfolio! I'm also currently working on my portfolio, i applied to both liverpool and sheffield. But why'd you pick liverpool, im trying to decide which would be better but i'd love to hear it from someone thats there already! Thanks! Great job

  9. Hi sorry for the late rep. Im in my 3rd year in Liverpool. I picked Liverpool over Sheffield and Nottingham because of 3 factors:
    1) Liverpool's course is more creative art focused rather than engineering focused nature of Sheffield.
    2) the studio is better, didnt like the seagram of Sheffield
    3) the accommodation is way cheaper.
    AND, "small" thing, way better city.
    Hope those answer your question!
